Interesting Stuff – November 2020

(No affiliate stuff. Just stuff you might be interested in.)

I feel like I’ve already told everyone about this amazing ebook bundle from Humble Bundle called Be The Change. But in case I haven’t it’s a ton of anti-racist, youth activist, POC authored non-fiction, novels and graphic novels for £15.29. (Available till February 8, 2021)

I already told you how much I loved Camille Kirksey‘s new book Coming Home, but this weekend (27/11/2020-30/11/2020) it’s 40% off! No code necessary – just head to her website.

I really enjoyed this article from Vice about How to Make Socially Distanced Holidays Actually Feel Special (based on how Jewish people have learnt to celebrate their festivals throughout 2020.) Vice has a whole series called “Happy” “Holidays” 2020, which while US-centric is still really useful and full of great ideas.

This short post from Ask a Manager about how two businesses have reacted to the pandemic, has nothing to do with home education, but I keep thinking about it as a metaphor for how we treat our home educating family lives during this time.

Stay safe, and warm whenever you can. x

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