Interesting Stuff June 2020

For the kids:
Short and Curly Podcast – Are you really free?
This season the Short and Curly yeam look at one of the curliest questions of them all, are you really free? We say all the time that someone made good choices or bad choices. Or that they should be punished or rewarded for the choices they make. But did you really choose? Join Molly, Carl and Matt as they try and find out if we have free will or not. My Miss Seven is a big fan of the theory that nothing is her fault! Interesting conversation is sure to ensue. You have been warned…
Julie’s Library
Julie Andrews and her daughter, Emma Walton Hamilton, invite you into their library to read their favorite children’s books. Every story comes to life with sound, music and activities. Authors, kids and other special guests chime in, too! Miss Seven devoured Julie’s Greenroom and loves to hear these stories mixed in amongst our longer audible books.
Brains on
Brains on has created a number of episodes with kid-friendly information on Coronavirus as well as different takes on the same old story, like:
-How to be a helper from home
-How scientists are working to stop the coronavirus
-How social distancing helps fight coronavirus
-Understanding coronavirus and how germs spread
Two Whats and a Wow
Mindy Thomas and Guy Raz bring you a short ‘daily’ gameshow that includes a challenge to complete at home. We’re big fans of Wow in the World with Mindy and Guy and this show does not disappoint.
50 Process art activities for Kids from Merri Cherry Art studio
Using common household items and art supplies here is a vast array of process art recipes to keep children of all ages busy over a summer spent at home.
Things to share:
“The Durrington Shafts discovery, announced on Monday, is all the more extraordinary because it offers the first evidence that the early inhabitants of Britain, mainly farming communities, had developed a way to count. Constructing something of this size with such careful positioning of its features could only have been done by tracking hundreds of paces.”
This piece in the Guardian has great diagrams and maps to show where the shafts are located.
Neolithic dog reveals tales behind Orkney’s monuments
This is an article about facial reconstruction done on a 2500 year old dog skull found in a burial mound in Orkney. It includes a great 3d model of the mound that you can explore.
If you want to explore how they 3d map tombs and cave systems I would highly recommend The Cave of Forgotten Dreams by Werner Herzog. This documentary is about the Chauvet caves of Southern France and a group of scientists who are trying to map the art in the cave system so that it can be preserved.
A Short Hike (PC/mac/linux)
This inexpensive game might only take a couple of hours or so to complete, but the calming music, interesting environment and charming characters will have you exploring far beyond your first trip to the top of Hawk Peak Provincial Park. (and for budding games designers, there is a fantastic masterclass on how this game was build by a single developer in 3 months available on youtube.)
For the adults:
D.I.V.E.R.S.I.T.Y from HomegrownSonshine
A fantastic response to the discussion about classical education and Charlotte Mason alongside the work of anti-racism. Includes “10 ways to circumvent racist ideas and embrace diversity within our home education curriculum” but really the whole article is *chefs kiss.*
Science Rules! with Bille Nye
With a little help from his co-host Corey S. Powell, field experts, and special celebrity guests, Bill answers difficult questions for the adults. Episodes like:
Coronavirus: So, what’s the plan? (and so.many.more. cornonavirus episodes)
Fires and climate change
Are we still evolving?
To have kids or not to?