Here we go again: A brief lesson on the compulsory EHE Register in England

Here we go again: A brief lesson on the compulsory EHE Register in England

If you’re new to Home Ed you may not be aware of the history and bias of the EHE Register in England. Here’s our summary and actions you can take.

Starting to home educate 2020: All-time Favourite Read-Alouds

Starting to home educate 2020: All-time Favourite Read-Alouds

You want your mind to be free to enjoy and observe in these early days. Curricula can wait. Here are our all-time favourite read-alouds.

Starting to home educate 2020: Best books for home educators

Starting to home educate 2020: Best books for home educators

If you’re just starting out on the home ed journey and wondering which of the many books to read first, here are our rec’s for the best books for new home edders.

Starting to home educate in 2020: How to home educate for free (and why you should)

Starting to home educate in 2020: How to home educate for free (and why you should)

Take advantage of all the freebies. Know what you NEED before wading into the vast pool of curricula options. HEV freebie printable included!

Starting to Home Educate in 2020: The Legalities of Home Educating in the UK

Starting to Home Educate in 2020: The Legalities of Home Educating in the UK

How do you get starting with home educating? How do you go from having a child in school to home educating? How do you interact with local authorities?
We’ve got your back.